dimecres, 26 de gener del 2022

Anem al teatre de l'escola! Let's have fun!

Tarda molt entretinguda de teatre al Cicle Inicial. Hem vist una obra en anglès, Wanda the witch, i ens ho hem passat molt bé cantant i ballant les seves cançons. 

Els personatges eren molt divertits i nosaltres els hem ajudat a resoldre una situació entre bolets, peixos i... aranyes! 😱

Al final hem aconseguit celebrar l’aniversari de la protagonista amb un bon pastís i fins i tot li hem cantat el 

Happy birthday tots junts! 

Thank you! 

It has been a fantastic afternoon. 🎭

Today the students of first and second grade have had an amazing afternoon.

They have seen the theatre play Wanda the Witch. Don't get wrong!!! Wanda is a good Witch but a little bit forgetful.

They have had a great time singing and dancing.

Felix, the Cat, Wanda and the Goblin are very funny and we have helped them to prepare a birthday party and a birthday cake with fish, mushrooms and… spiders!!! 🤪

Finally, we have celebrated a fantastic party and we all have sung Happy Birthday to Felix, the Cat.

It' s been great and we have enjoyed it a lot.

We are looking forward to the next theatre play. We love English.

See you 🎭

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