divendres, 18 de març del 2022


Els nens i nenes de 4t hem fet unes maquetes molt maques que us volem ensenyar. Són pel projecte : ”De la cova als gratacels”.

Les maquetes són:

Per la prehistòria, unes coves paleolítiques i un poblat íber.

Per l’edat antiga, una domus romana.

Per l’edat mitjana, un castell i una masia.

Per l’edat moderna, un palau.

Per l’edat contemporània, una colònia industrial, cases modernistes i bloc de pisos.


Això és el que hem fet tot 4t. Us ha agradat? Penseu que hem fet un bon treball? A continuació hem posat unes fotografies i un vídeo on es veuen totes les maquetes.

                                                       Aina i Ariana N. de 4t A


dijous, 17 de març del 2022

3, 2, 1 Action!


Hello everyone! 

During the last few weeks, in the project “Tourism in cities” of Science we made role plays

recreating some of the Bus Turistic lines in Barcelona. It was a great experience! While we

were practicing English we could learn many different things about the most important

places in Barcelona. 

It was a great experience! 

How did we do it? 

The most emblematic places of the city were distributed in groups: Sagrada Família, Recinte

Modernista Sant Pau, Parc Güell, Tramvia Blau, Palau Reial… After finding out information

on the internet about these places, roles were also distributed in the groups, and we wrote

the dialogues. When we had our scripts done we needed to rehearse our role plays a

few times before the real shooting! 

We have to confess that the shooting was really exciting. We were really nervous. It was

no problem at all! As in professional sets, we repeated as much time as we needed! 

Here we include some of the videos of our role plays! We hope you will enjoy them as much

as we did!



